How it all started...
About Us -- From 1906 to Now
On March 11, 1906, more than a year and a half before Oklahoma became a state, our church had its beginning in the old South Methodist Church building with Rev. C. W. Morrison presiding. The membership consisted of seven women. These soldiers of the cross have passed on to glory, but this history would not be complete without their names being listed: Mrs. N. R. Brasted, Mrs. Earl Cole, Mrs. L. A. Boory, Mrs. Dora Fields, Mrs. Beebe, Mrs. R. T. Brown and Mrs. Morris. When time has ceased on earth and all God's children are gathered home, there will be a multitude of souls gathered around the this preacher and these seven women with thankful hearts for their vision and faith to organize the First Baptist Church of Carnegie, Oklahoma.
The following are pastors who have served at our church: C. W. Morrison, W. T. Gray, N. E. Mitchell, J. M. Wileman, N. C. Danner, T.P. Womack, S. L. Buckley, W. S. Miller, R. J. Morgan, George Hutto, R. K. McGregor, John M. Burrows, Garland Howard, J. T. Howard, Clyde N. Price, Frank Elkins, W. F. Crow, J. B. Shinn, N. N. Antonson, James C. Weston, Bill Dickover, Lester McNair, Gerald A. Peters, Joe Knowles, and Arthur Blount.
Our current pastor is Kenny Mossman, who was installed on February 1, 2022, after serving the church for 14 months in an interim capacity. Other staff include youth leader Joe Bointy and maintenance director Cassie Crumley.
Since the early 1950's, our church has had a part-time or full-time minister of education, youth and/or music. Those ministers
included Claude Gossett, Gene Wright, John McGuckin, Woody Southerland, Dave Wilch, Truman Gregston, Tony Ward, Bruce Cobler, Arthur Blount, Chris Fields, Mark Groutas, Jeff Graham, Aaron Nickles, Ty Graham, and Nick Tarter. Much of the growth of First Baptist Church is a result of our youth programs.
First Baptist Carnegie is active in the Caddo Baptist Association, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Southern Baptist convention, supporting home and foreign missions through the Cooperative Program. First Baptist Church has had Sunday School, BYPU, Training Union, Discipleship Training, WMU Brotherhood, YWA, GA's, RA's, Mission Friends, Life Classes and other educational programs.
The physical plant of First Baptist Church, Carnegie, consists of the Sanctuary/Worship Center built in 1940, dedicated, debt-free in 1941, and renovated in 1992; the Educational Wing at the back of the Worship Center built in 1950; the Educational Building on the East of the Worship Center and the parsonage built 1966/67; the Curd Building bought in 1971 and updated for educational space in 1975; a Falls Creek cabin built in 1972; a bus garage bought in 1999; the Family Life Center built in 2000 and the property across the street west of the Worship Center bought in 2001 in anticipation of building a Youth/Multipurpose Building, which was later completed. In 2022, the former Curd Building was remodeled and rededicated as the Blount Children's Center, named for former pastor Arthur Blount and his family.
Parts of this historic information were compiled by Mrs. Liz Dillard
On March 11, 1906, more than a year and a half before Oklahoma became a state, our church had its beginning in the old South Methodist Church building with Rev. C. W. Morrison presiding. The membership consisted of seven women. These soldiers of the cross have passed on to glory, but this history would not be complete without their names being listed: Mrs. N. R. Brasted, Mrs. Earl Cole, Mrs. L. A. Boory, Mrs. Dora Fields, Mrs. Beebe, Mrs. R. T. Brown and Mrs. Morris. When time has ceased on earth and all God's children are gathered home, there will be a multitude of souls gathered around the this preacher and these seven women with thankful hearts for their vision and faith to organize the First Baptist Church of Carnegie, Oklahoma.
The following are pastors who have served at our church: C. W. Morrison, W. T. Gray, N. E. Mitchell, J. M. Wileman, N. C. Danner, T.P. Womack, S. L. Buckley, W. S. Miller, R. J. Morgan, George Hutto, R. K. McGregor, John M. Burrows, Garland Howard, J. T. Howard, Clyde N. Price, Frank Elkins, W. F. Crow, J. B. Shinn, N. N. Antonson, James C. Weston, Bill Dickover, Lester McNair, Gerald A. Peters, Joe Knowles, and Arthur Blount.
Our current pastor is Kenny Mossman, who was installed on February 1, 2022, after serving the church for 14 months in an interim capacity. Other staff include youth leader Joe Bointy and maintenance director Cassie Crumley.
Since the early 1950's, our church has had a part-time or full-time minister of education, youth and/or music. Those ministers
included Claude Gossett, Gene Wright, John McGuckin, Woody Southerland, Dave Wilch, Truman Gregston, Tony Ward, Bruce Cobler, Arthur Blount, Chris Fields, Mark Groutas, Jeff Graham, Aaron Nickles, Ty Graham, and Nick Tarter. Much of the growth of First Baptist Church is a result of our youth programs.
First Baptist Carnegie is active in the Caddo Baptist Association, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Southern Baptist convention, supporting home and foreign missions through the Cooperative Program. First Baptist Church has had Sunday School, BYPU, Training Union, Discipleship Training, WMU Brotherhood, YWA, GA's, RA's, Mission Friends, Life Classes and other educational programs.
The physical plant of First Baptist Church, Carnegie, consists of the Sanctuary/Worship Center built in 1940, dedicated, debt-free in 1941, and renovated in 1992; the Educational Wing at the back of the Worship Center built in 1950; the Educational Building on the East of the Worship Center and the parsonage built 1966/67; the Curd Building bought in 1971 and updated for educational space in 1975; a Falls Creek cabin built in 1972; a bus garage bought in 1999; the Family Life Center built in 2000 and the property across the street west of the Worship Center bought in 2001 in anticipation of building a Youth/Multipurpose Building, which was later completed. In 2022, the former Curd Building was remodeled and rededicated as the Blount Children's Center, named for former pastor Arthur Blount and his family.
Parts of this historic information were compiled by Mrs. Liz Dillard

Expanding the vision...
We seek to serve Christ wherever He calls us, but we recognize that our primary assignment is to Carnegie and the surrounding area. We seek to be a beacon of light that leads the people of this community to the Savior, and then directs them to serve Him to fulfill the Great Commission.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:45 am for Sunday school and 11 am for Worship.